Guest post by Diana Schwarzlose It's so easy!! I knew I wanted to try to make my own sunscreen because there are some active ingredients in most sunscreens on the shelf today that I would like to avoid. Some of them mess with your estrogen levels, and y'all...I do NOT have time for that! No one has time for that, seriously. I'd like to share this article with you if you're wondering what ingredients I'm referring to and why I don't need them in my life. After looking at several recipes online, I finally settled on one from Wellness Mama, and I'm so glad I did! I appreciate how she outlines the natural SPF in each ingredient and explains why getting a certain amount of sun exposure if necessary and good. After ordering a few key ingredients off of Amazon, I texted my dear friend, Lisa Embree at, to see if she already had shea butter and carrot seed essential oil, which she did. She is an essential oil guru, so feel free to contact her if you are curious about them. I decided she was going to invite me over, so I could use her stuff and we could make this together. The outcome (ie, texture and effectiveness) of this sunscreen is divine!! Y'all, I can't reiterate to you enough: If I can do this, you can do this. For real. I have a 3 year old and a 3 month old that I stay home with, and I'm starting up this new business now. I tell you that, so you can't make any excuses like, "I don't have time for that," or "I'm not a DIY girl." I will stare at you blankly...for several awkward seconds. Just buddy up with a friend because that always makes it more fun (and cheaper), get these simple ingredients, and try it! You'll love it! Homemade Sunscreen Recipe