Making some of the food shifts is confusing and difficult especially in the beginning of making changes. I cannot recommend enough that you hire a holistic health coach! I was meeting some serious resistance from the "troops" and I needed some help and reinforcement. The pictures are from our first meeting with Carly (circa April 2013). It didn't hurt that our health coach is a beautiful young lady who is a lot closer to my kids age than I am and a lot cooler. Yes, it was a brilliant move! Personally, I think Carly is the BEST and she takes clients from all over the world, but I just highly encourage you to find someone that you have a good repoire with if you need some support. You can find out more about Carly and some of her programs here. Two years later, I'm fortunate to not only call Carly our health coach but also a dear friend and colleague. Recently we did a presentation together about creating a vibrant life with healthy foods and essential oils as part of a wellness class. "The student became the teacher"...WITH her teacher. It was an AMAZING experience and we have decided to do more presentations together for corporations wellness programs. Contact Carly or me if you are interested in having us come do a presentation for you and your co-workers.